Headshot of man with short grey hair and blue blazer

Manuel Fernández Amezaga, Chief Revenue Growth Officer for Hispanic Latin America

Manuel Fernández Amezaga has served as Pluxee Romania & Bulgaria CEO since August 2020 and joined the Group Leadership Team in March 2024. 

Manuel started his career with American Express in 1997, joining the FES division in Greece before moving to American Express Global Business Travel in Spain, where he became Commercial Director in 2008. 

In December 2010, Manuel joined Pluxee Spain (then Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services) as Commercial Director, leading restructuring efforts, process overhauls, and new business development for seven years.

Manuel then served as Pluxee Philippines CEO from August 2017 to August 2020, overseeing the entity’s transformation and the successful digitalisation of its products and processes. Towards the end of his mandate, Pluxee Philippines stood out by providing crucial aid to millions of Filipinos amidst challenging lockdown conditions following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In August 2020, Manuel transitioned to Bucharest to take on the role of Pluxee Romania & Bulgaria CEO. Under his leadership, the entity achieved 250% growth, finalised the digitalisation of all its services, and consolidated its position as the leading card issuer in Romania’s payment sector – all while playing a key role in supporting the implementation of social programs.

Manuel holds a law degree from CEU University in Madrid and a PDD from IESE Business School. A Spanish citizen, he speaks Spanish, English, Italian, and Greek.