Our commitment as a trusted partner

Business integrity

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Our ethical principles:

  • Trust: we place trust at the heart of our relationships with both clients and employees.
  • Respect for people: we value respect, dignity and consideration for all people regardless of their background, age, gender, beliefs and life choices.
  • Transparency: we ensure that our consumers, employees, clients, merchants partners and shareholders are informed accurately and clearly about our products and services.
  • Business integrity: we condemn all practices that are not based on honesty, integrity and fairness.

    Whether we’re fighting corruption, providing accurate financial statements or protecting privacy, our teams can always refer to our Ethics Charter.

Governance, Ethics and Compliance

Our Ethics and Compliance Committee deploys our ethical and compliant culture, programs and policies in all operating countries. It supports regional committees and reviews specific issues brought to its attention, checking that we practice what we preach. 

We constantly raise awareness through training campaigns about ethical business conduct and train our managers to combat sexual harassment and corruption, ensure human rights or steer away from conflicts of interest.

Report a breach of our principles

We expect our high standards to be met, we want everyone to be able to raise ethical concerns. Our Pluxee Speak Up Ethics Line allows everyone (employees, business partners, suppliers, clients, etc.) to report possible abusive practices in a confident and confidential way.”

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Whistleblowing Policy

We expect our high standards to be met, we want everyone to be able to raise ethical concerns. Our Speak Up Ethics Line allows everyone (employees, business partners, suppliers, clients, etc.) to report possible abusive practices in a confident and confidential way. View full policy here.

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Pluxee’s firm commitment to diversity, equity & inclusion


At Pluxee, we are committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion for the benefit of all our teams and external partners.

Our goal: to make everyone feel valued and empowered to contribute as best they can to the growth of our organisation. We are committed to establishing an inclusive environment that aligns with our corporate values. 

The Pluxee Group is deeply attached to the principles of recognition, equal opportunities and to promoting diversity and inclusion. Particular attention is paid to promoting gender equality, especially with regard to equal pay for equal work, women’s representation in leadership roles, and internal advancement opportunities.

In accordance with the French law on the “Freedom to choose one's professional future” enacted in September 2018*, Pluxee International, Pluxee France, and Glady publish their respective Gender Equality Index scores.


2023 Index results table for the 3 Pluxee entities in France


This index, based on five indicators, enables companies to assess their performance in terms of equal pay and take corrective actions.

  • Pluxee International continued to strictly monitor its Gender Equality Index, reaching a score of 86/100 in 2023**.
  • Pluxee France achieved a score of 92/100 for the second year running in 2023, outperforming the national average and reflecting its sustained commitment to gender equality in the workplace, anti-discrimination measures, and promoting diversity.
  • Finally, Glady registered a score of 84/100 for the 2023 reporting period.


Discover the Gender Equality Index national results for 2023

*In compliance with Article D.1142-2 of the French Labour Code, all companies comprising more than 50 employees are required to publish a Gender Equality Index. The purpose of this index is to evaluate companies’ performance with regard to gender equality in the workplace, based on five indicators (pay, promotions, maternity leave, etc.).

**Being a company comprising fewer than 250 employees, Pluxee International’s Gender Equality Index is based on four indicators as per Article D.1142-2-1 of the French Labour Code.

Our Policies 

Supplier Code of Conduct View PDF
Ethics Charter View PDF
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy  View PDF